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About The Owner

Justin Hunter is a lifelong athlete whom has played a variety of sports growing up such as hockey, baseball, soccer, track and field. More recently Justin has competed as a national level bodybuilder and powerlifter a few of his recent titles include The Ironman Naturally bodybuilding championship 2015 1st place light heavyweight , The soCAL powerlifting championships 198 classic RAW division 1st place 2016 and 1st place 2015, The California State Powerlifting championships 2014 1st place 198 classic raw division, USPA powerlifting nationals 2014 198 classic raw division 4th place. With a lifelong passion for sports and weight lifting he also enjoys sharing his passion of fitness. After high school Justin decided that he wanted to pursue a career as a personal trainer, he currently has an ACE personal training certification and a Bachelor degree in Kinesiology.  His vision for Fortress Fitness is to create a gym that acts as a community of like athletes who share a common interest; pushing their body to the limit and obtaining maximum results.  Henry Ford says it best, “Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success.” 


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